
The Victorian 3D Society Incorporated is a stereo photography club based in Melbourne, Australia, but is open to anyone to join. Our members have a common interest in stereo photography - particularly in taking and showing stereo photos. The membership fee is currently A$25 per year. A newsletter is published 6 times per year.


The renovations of the Horrie Watson Pavilion have now been completed and, beginning with the meeting on 2 February 2009 our meetings will return to:

HORRIE WATSON PAVILION, Deepdene Park, Whitehorse Rd., Deepdene. MELWAYS REF 46, A7. SEE YOU THERE!

Take us to the Third Dimension


ABC TV broadcast a feature on the Victorian 3D Society. It covers the December 2006 General Meeting, including segments of the Auction, and an interview with Max Hem!

Every two years, the Australian National Stereo Convention is held, and in 2007 the Victorian 3D Society is the host club.

All 3D enthusiasts are cordially invited to get together with members of The Victorian 3D Society and the Sydney Stereo Camera Club, in Swan Hill, Victoria, from Wednesday 25th until Saturday 28th April 2007, for the 20th Australian National Stereo Convention.

The Convention Centre will be at the historic Pioneer Settlement; where projection and other activities will take place. You can find out more about the Convention using these links:


General Meetings

The Club has six General Meetings per Year, on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December (every even month). Guests are always most welcome. Meetings commence at 8:00pm, and are located at:

Horrie Watson Pavilion **
Deepdeene Park
Whitehorse Road
Melbourne, Australia.
The Melway street directory reference is Map46, Ref A7.
A map is attached.

** Please note that due to renovations being carried out on the Horrie Watson Pavilion, for the rest of 2008 our meetings will be held at:

At General Meetings, we always project stereo slides for about 1 hour. A special feature show usually takes most of this time. In addition, an exhibition is run each meeting, where Members can submit slides or digital images for the exhibition subject. Members or guests can bring along images to have them projected if they would like to do so.

Committee Meetings are held six times per year in every odd-numbered month. Any club member may attend Committee Meetings.

Membership and Club Contacts

Please feel free to come long to any of our General Meetings - guests are always welcome, and you will see the best 3D projection screen in Australia in action (shown below). For more information regarding the Victorian 3D Society we would be pleased to here form you via any of the contacts below:

A Membership Application Form is also available at this web site. The membership fee is currently A$25 per year.

Governance of the Incorporation

The activities of the Club are governed by the Rules of Incorporation. Forms for Committee Nominations are to be found at the end of the Rules of Incorporation.

Prior to July 1999, the Society was an un-Incorporated Society. For historical purposes, the old Constitution of that Society is also maintained here, although it has no relevance to the current governance of the Incorporation.


"In -Depth" - The Journal of the Victorian 3D Society

The Journal of the Victorian 3D Society - "In Depth" - is published and circulated to members six times per year just before each General Meeting. As well as keeping members informed of Club activities, the Journal carries articles by members on various aspects of stereo.

Some articles from our Journal are available from this Web page, and are listed below:

"In -Depth" Journal Archives (members only)
An archive of all Club Newsletters in Adobe PDF format was established some time back, and is maintained on the World Wide Web. The archive is accessible to members only. The web address is:

Club Email List (members only)
The club operates an email-list for discussion of activites amongst members. The home page for the email group is at http://www.egroups.com/group/v3d/info.html

Additional Club Activities

Mounting Supplies

All You Need for 35mm and 6x6 Formats.....and available from the Victorian 3D Society Inc.

These high-quality cardboard mounts are designed and made in Melbourne, and sold all over the world. Over half the supplies produced are exported overseas. The Sydney Stereo Camera Club, Inc. are also big customers for these mounts.

Information & Projects from Club Members

Starting Out in Stereo

Projects Undertaken by Club Members

Medium Format Stereo Equipment

Medium format stereo is the "Rolls-Royce" stereo format, providing the ultimate "you are there" experience. This format is growing in popularity, particularly in Melbourne, as there is easy access to medium format mounting supplies, and about half a dozen Club members shooting medium format, some of who have constructed high-quality achromatic viewers.

Australian Stereo Clubs, Contacts and Suppliers

Stereo Viewers:

Photos of Stereo Cameras:

The following stereo cameras are all still in use by many stereo enthusiasts everywhere around the world. Particular thanks go to the members of the Victorian 3D Society for making available the most of the cameras shown below for this photographic collection,and to John Bercovitz for the photos of the Kodak, Sputnik, and FED.

Club Contacts

Please feel free to come long to any of our General Meetings - guests are always welcome, and you will see one of the best 3D projection screens in Australia in action. For more information regarding the Victorian 3D Society Inc we would be pleased to here form you via any of the contacts below:

- Return to The Victorian 3D Society Inc. home page -
Feel free to send any questions or comments to: maxhem@iprimus.com.au
The information contained in these Web pages may NOT be used or reproduced for commercial purposes.
This web site was launched into Cyberspace in November 1996.